[Mitmachen] 21 Day Meditation Program for Healthcare Professionals

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Über Hearts in Healthcare bin ich auf dieses kostenlose Angebot aufmerksam geworden. Es handelt sich um einen 3-wöchigen Online-Meditationskurs speziell für Menschen in Gesundheitsberufen. Beginn ist am Montag, den 28. September 2015: As a health professional or caregiver, you have devoted your life to taking care of others. Isn’t it time to take care of […]

[Film] «Menstrual Hygiene Day» on May 28th


The first ever Menstrual Hygiene Day on  28th of May! The vision is   «to create a world in which every woman and girl can manage her menstruation in a hygienic way – wherever she is – in privacy, safety and with dignity.» The global premiere of Monthlies – The Moon inside You for Teens, […]

[eBook] Tania Singer: Compassion – Bridging Practice and Science


«What is the difference between empathy and compassion? Is it possible to train compassion? Can it be measured? How useful is compassion training in schools, clinical settings, and end-of-life care? Can the brain be transformed through mental training?» This free eBook has just been released by Tania Singer, Director of the Department of Social Neuroscience […]