[Libri] Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, dottoressa e ricercatore della tanatologia


«Nel campo della ricerca sulla morte, la dottoressa Elizabeth Kübler-Ross si è meritatamente conquistata grande fama. Le innumerevoli ore che trascorse accanto ai pazienti allo stadio terminale le consentirono di fare scoperte in seguito confermate da altri ricercatori, ormai patrimonio acquisito di questo campo di studio. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross non esitò a mettere a repentaglio il […]

[Article] «Nocebo Phenomena in Medicine»


A review about the nocebo* phenomena in medicine in Deutsches Ärzteblatt international. Here the conclusion: «Physicians face an ethical dilemma, as they are required not just to inform patients of the potential complications of treatment, but also to minimize the likelihood of these complications, i.e., to avoid inducing them through the potential nocebo effect of […]

[Article] Interview: «‹What Is So Bad About Dying?»


«Michael de Ridder, the head of the emergency ward at a Berlin hospital and author of a new book on dying, discusses how modern medical advances are making death more complicated for patients with little hope of living. His book makes a plea for doctors to allow people to die with greater dignity. SPIEGEL: Mr. […]

[Lachen :-)] Kaffee-Eulen


In einem Krankenhaus zu arbeiten bedeutet literweise Kaffee zu trinken. Welche Kaffee-Eule bist Du? Working at a hospital means drinking litres of coffee. Which one are you? Thanks to K. for the picture!

[Buch] «Aama» – Pilgerreise einer 80-jährigen Nepalesin in die USA

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Autor: Broughton Coburn Dies ist eine wunderschöne wahre Geschichte über die Pilgerreise der achtzigjährigen Dorfbewohnerin Aama aus dem Himalaya in die USA. Ein sehr spirituelles Buch, das einem völlig neue Sichtweisen auf unsere westliche Gesellschaft vermittelt. Mich hat die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der Aama Dankbarkeit, Demut und Respekt vor der Schöpfung in ihr tägliches Leben einbindet, […]